I used to be! But I have handed over the studio operation to a new business called Yoganta Yoga. I, Mai Shimizu, solely own the brand EN. YOGA brand, and I continue to teach yoga around Perth, Wester Australia and beyond. For my class schedule, please check “Schedule” page.

Are you a yoga studio?

What does EN. stand for?

“EN” is an English prefix for “en-“, to enable one or many into another state, such as enrich, envision, enliven, engage, empower, enjoy! Also, en (えん、縁) in Japanese, is a word to describe a connection of people, place and series of events that is meant to be connected.

Why Attic?

Because, to me attic is somewhere that is cozy and comfortable, but it also has an infinite potential for an adventure that is beyond your imagination. I feel that a yoga studio is very similar to an attic as I believe you embark on a journey every time you have a practice on a mat and that journey carries on off the mat too.

I've never done yoga, where do I begin?

I believe that yoga is for everyone to enjoy and the point of practicing is not whether you can touch your toes or not. It's about making friends with your own body and learning your own edge. On occasions, I offer a beginner's 4 weeks course around Perth. Please visit “Schedules” page or follow me on insta to make sure you catch the latest offering.

What do I need to wear?

Your favourite activewear! Or any gear that is loose and stretchy enough so you can move around comfortably. Really up to you. I have a student who comes in her work gear and practices in her work gear. If that works for you, hey, why not?

